“The Summit’s quality was very high, and I liked that, being held at a global pedestal, it rather filled more than my expectations as everyone was so well acquainted with the task at hand,” said Prague, a delegate from India in this year’s virtual summit. He’s a high school kid who reads Dickens (David Copperfield!) and loves economics and Italian food. Even his favorite color is cultured: “Spanish Blue.”

“If I could invent something that could make life easier for people it would definitely be a teleportation device,” he reflected.

“It would definitely make life easier, plus, reduce pollution; lead to a greener world as a whole.

“As the saying goes, a green world is a shining world.”

Prague is headed off to college in a few years and aspires to enjoy his experience there, meshing with people from different backgrounds and cultures, with the same zeal as that in Model G20. “Be it exploring the campus, be it having a first-hand experience of all the practical laboratories that are not available in Best high school in USA but are in college… the list just goes on and on!”

“At MG20, I definitely learned the prime skill of collaboration and teamwork and having learned that with people you haven’t even met and are from a totally different country, I intend to use it judiciously in the future whenever I do business. Another skill that I learned was the skill of researching well which I intend to use in my place of work or even for my school projects in the upcoming years.”

“The workshop by Dr. Don Goldmann has definitely furthered my knowledge on the take about the pandemic and it’s been quite a match for what I think. As we discussed with our country mates and other ministers as well, the taking care of jobs in this pandemic and the consequences of the same, that is exactly my take on this particular topic.”

Economics enthusiast that he is, Pragun was exceptionally involved in another of this year’s lecture discussions, led by Jonathan Fantini Porter.

“The budget workshop by Mr. Jonathan was exceptionally good, I learned so much about the government budget and policymaking, and I’m so happy for that because it also helps me with my school studies. So I was overwhelmed to see the coincidence and to be explained so well.”

Prague's parting words of wisdom are timeless and poignant: “Remember, when you forgive you heal. When you let go, you grow.”


Model G20

Looking ahead, how do you hope to use the skills and experiences you’ve gained at the Model G20 Summit in your career?

I have definitely learned the prime skill of collaboration and teamwork, and have learned that with people you haven’t even met and are from a totally different country, I intend to use it judiciously in the future whenever I do business. Another skill that I learned was the skill of researching well which I intend to use in my place of work or even for my school projects in the upcoming years.

How do you feel about the quality of the conversations and responses from your colleagues and instructors?

The quality was very high, and I liked that, being held at a global pedestal, it rather filled more than my expectations as everyone was so well acquainted with the task at hand.

How has Model G20’s take on pandemic education aligned with the values that drive your own education on pandemics?

The workshop by Mr. Don Goldmann had definitely furthered my knowledge on the take about the pandemic and it’s been quite a match for what I think. As we discussed with our country mates and other ministers as well, the taking care of jobs in this pandemic and the consequences of the same, that is exactly my take on this particular topic.

What is a single feature of the Summit that exceeded your expectations?

The Budget workshop by Mr. Jonathan was exceptionally well, I learned so much about the government budget and policymaking, and I’m so happy about that because it also helps me with my school studies. So I was overwhelmed to see the coincidence and to being explained so well.

What about Model G20 do you think would benefit any person, if they were to attend?

It would definitely be their social skills and their conversation skills, Model G20 proved to be a plethora of knowledge, while it also proved to be pretty fascinating and interesting. Since it involved every member of the group, each member had to talk to other people and then lead to new friends being made while also brushing up their conversation skills.


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